Zebra Wireless Configuration

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This guide shows how to configure the wifi settings for Zebra printers that have a wifi/bluetooth module.


  1. Verify the Zebra Printer Setup Utility app is installed on your iOS device and is connected to your Zebra printer (instructions).

  2. Open the Zebra Printer Setup Utility app and click the "Connectivity Settings" menu option.

  3. Click the "Wireless" menu option.

  4. Set a name for the printer (Hostname) and select "All" for the IP Addressing Protocol, make sure "Power Save Mode" is not enabled, then click the "Next" button.

  5. Uncheck the "Client ID" option, then click the "Next" button.

  6. Enter the name of the wireless network as the ESSID, select the appropriate Security Mode, select "All" for the Wireless Band, then click the "Next" button.

  7. Enter the password for the wireless network (usually WPA PSK), then click the "Next" button.

  8. Click the "Apply" button.

  9. This will restart the printer for the changes to take effect.

Obtaining the IP address of the printer.

The functionality to obtain the current IP address of the Zebra printer isn't easily provided in the iOS app. It can be accomplished by sending a simple command to the printer that tells the printer to print out a label containing the network configuration. Here's how to do that:

  1. Download the following ZPL file:

    Print Network Config ZPL

  2. Save the file somewhere available on your iOS device.

  3. Back on the Printer Setup Utility app, click the "Available File" menu option.

  4. Select the network_config.zpl file downloaded a few steps ago.

  5. Once prompted, click the "Send to Printer" button.

  6. A label will be printed containing all of the network configuration, including the current IP address.

WiFi Certificate Requirements

If you want to install a WiFi certificate file on a Zebra Printer device using a package, then the name of the file must match one of the following names. Select the name that matches the WiFi Security type being configured. File names are not case-sensitive.

Security Type File Type File Name on Printer
EAP-TLS Root Certificate File CACERT.NRD
WPA-EAP-TLS Client Certificate File CERTCLN.NRD
EAP-TTLS Root Certificate File CACERTSV.NRD
PEAP Root Certificate File CACERTSV.NRD